Hudson Ryan Osborne
Posted by Still Aware
Date posted:
18 April 2016
I’ll never forget the day that I went for my dating ultrasound to see not only one but TWO babies! I was so shocked but overfilled with excitement! My first pregnancy and I was blessed with 2 babies, one boy and one girl.
Everything was perfect during the whole pregnancy. Regular kicking from both babies, growing perfectly and hearts were both beating beautifully. Than around 33 weeks my little boys placenta started to have problems and I was admitted into hospital at 34 weeks for constant monitoring and with a plan to have a cesarean no later than 36 weeks. After about a week he started to not cope anymore, they planned the cesarean for the following day, Sunday the 17th of April. But for a fair few stupid reasons it got postponed. The following day my little boy had no heartbeat and my little girl went into stress from him passing so I had an emergency cesarean.
My little girl was born healthy and perfect! And my little boy was born peacefully sleeping and yet perfect as well! I still think of him everyday and wish he was here with us. My heart feels like it’s been ripped into half. Half here with me and my daughter and half up in heaven with him. Everyday is a struggle and so hard. Knowing that it wasn’t my fault that he’s gone is the hardest part. Knowing my little girl will never get to meet her twin brother breaks my heart for her.
I will never stop loving my little boy, he’s forever with me.
Written by Paige Scott, Hudson’s Mother.
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