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Safe Bubba - Keep Bubba Safe and Strong!

The Safe Bubba 'Keep Bubba Safe and Strong!' resources have been created By Mob, For Mob.

Safe Bubba Brochure & Fridge Magnet

FREE Safe Bubba resources now available to order. 

Safe Bubba Animated Video

The full suite of Safe Bubba videos can be found on the Still Aware You Tube channel.
The animated video is available in full format (2:59s) and in 15 and 30 sec formats.


Safe Bubba Workshop Artwork

In our WINDS workshops with indigenous communities artwork is used to guide understanding around stillbirth - what it means, what the risks are, and what action can be taken to keep bubba safe and strong. 

Winds Of Change Project

The amazing artwork for this project was painted by Margaret Ramirez. It came to her in a vision after hearing about the project. Watch the video below to hear her describe what the painting means.


Working with Indigenous Nations to co-Design Stillbirth Awareness Resources

Still Aware is the only not-for-profit organisation in Australia dedicated to raising awareness of stillbirth. In this project we are working alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mobs to surface knowledge that can guide us towards important understandings around stillbirth awareness and risks in order to carry and birth a baby safely.

This project exists because statistics identify high rates of stillbirth in Aboriginal communities. Currently, research shows Aboriginal women experience stillbirth at 2-3 times the rate as non-Aboriginal women. 

The Department of Health awarded a grant to Still Aware to work with six Indigenous regions across Australia. The first workshop was run in the Pilbara region, called Gurlu Gurlu Wangka which means Yarns about Children in the Ngarluma language. As we travel through other regions, the project team will give each region the opportunity to find their own translation of the project to allow their own ways of identifying.

Project Regions

As part of this project we have aimed to work with six different regions across Australia, starting with the Pilbara region as the 'Pilot' region for this project. Other regions include Perth, Mildura, Mittagong, Darwin and Bamaga in the Cape York region of North Queensland.

The strategy and approach to finding connections with other regions has occurred organically, with meet and greets arranged to allow interested regions to explore with us before confirming the commitment to be one of the regions we work with. The Pilot region for this project set the tone and has been the catalyst to developing the resources we will build on with other regions. To know more about regions, see the map below: 

Native Lands Map

Indigenous Nations Workshops

Darwin Workshop


WINDS - Darwin

Campbelltown Workshop






Pilbara Workshop

Ngarluma / Yindjibarndi (West Pilbara) region team


Noongar Boodjar Workshop


Mildura Workshop

WINDS Workshop Feedback

Solid- Safe- Authentic

Interactive and Inclusive workshop. Not spoken down to, made to feel included

I really enjoyed the workshop as it was interactive and very encouraging of discussion


WINDS Project Team

If you are interested in taking part in our WINDS project or would like more informaiton please contact the WINDS team at