Clay Reid Wallace

Posted by Still Aware
Date posted:
22 April 2018
This is a little message to ALL mummies who are expecting – you may be a first time Mum, you may be pregnant with your second, third, fourth, eighth baby..
Just want to tell you all to trust your gut feeling, 6 weeks ago I birthed my second son via emergency c section after my THIRD show at birth suite for decreased movements, after being told that ‘he has moved a few times’ even after I had mentioned he was a very active baby & was very quiet compared to normal.. on my third show the midwives decided to induce me as I was 39+6 and his heart rate was higher than usual (it was high in quite a lot of appointments/visits to birth suite for an unknown reason till now).
Once he was born & they checked my placenta they noticed unusual white specs all through it & the white lot near the umbilical cord (as seen in photo) so they wanted to take a photoand for me to send it to them & they sent my placenta off for testing.
Well today I got a call from the hospital & got told they were lucky they decided to induce me as I had a very decent sized blood clot in my placenta right near the umbilical cord which had blocked the flow through the cord & that it had started to die & was coming away (abuption).
I am SO lucky to have my little boy here today as this could of caused him to be stillborn & risks for me!
I just wanted to share this as I have seen on lots of mum groups with lots of questions about similar things & if they should go/ring their birth suite! So please mummies who are expecting please trust your gut & if there is only a slight change please still go get checked out if you’re worried or something seems different – no one knows better than you!
#pregnancyawareness #bloodclotinplacenta #exceptingmummies #awareness #youknowbest
Written by Kiara Wallace, Clay’s Mum.
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