Still Aware at RANZCOG 2019

Posted by Still Aware
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As a parent organisation for parents, Still Aware have been working hard in 2019 to help rebuild partnerships between expectant parents and clinicians in the manner of stillbirth prevention. We were excited to continue this partnership through an invitation to present at the the Annual RANZCOG (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) National Conference.
Claire and the team travelled to Melbourne in October to interact with over 1,000 obstetricians and share the message of Still Aware. Out of the many attendees, we were very happy to have personally interacted with 92 of Australia’s leading private obstetricians who approached Still Aware wanting more information. Claire was also invited to present to 270 delegates on consumer based education for safer pregnancies.
"It was a great event and one that was a real breakthrough for Still Aware and for conversations to aid stillbirth prevention.", says Claire.
"I had such amazing feedback from Obstetricians and was really pleased at the receptiveness to our programs and discussions."
Some of the feedback that Claire highlights, include:
“Your presentation has changed the way will practice”
“I will now always be asking; tell me about your babies movements”
“Because of you I will be talking about stillbirth”
“I will change the way I speak to women from now on”
It has been a tough 5 year journey to get to where we are today, we have had knock backs and road blocks placed in our way, but determination and passion has prevailed.
"I can honestly say that we are starting to see strong changes in the right direction in the fight to save the littlest lives", says Claire.
It was wonderful to be told that RANZCOG will be endorsing Still Aware’s materials and sharing them as patient resources. Terrific news!
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